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2017-05-24 13:02    人气:

The ensemble s unique artistic style is reflected in its exotic and spectacular performances of foreign and chinese music and dances by its artists

China national song & dance troupe was established on july 28 , 2005 , evolved from the former china national song & dance ensemble and the oriental song & dance ensemble , as a national key art performance group

With possessing the abundant artistic resources , the bright artistic style , the unique artistic charm , and the magnificent artistic achievements , she becomes the artistic rare and beautiful flower in gorgeous arts gardens of our socialism

While this is the 7th time since 1986 , it was a fatal one because i never fell in love with anyone during my 10 years in vegas until spring 1996 ( please wait for my 40 - page story on this 28 - years old dancer from dongfang singing & dancing troupe
1986年以来,这已经是第七次了,但这是最致命的一次,因为到1996年春季为止,在拉斯维加斯的这10年里,我还从来没有爱上过什么人(以后我会将一篇关于一位来自东方歌舞团的28岁女舞蹈演员的长达40页的故事奉献给大家) 。

It has always been this ensemble s main mission to present to the world the tradi tional chinese national and folk singing and dancing art and music and dances depicting the contemporary life of the chinese people and at the same time to intro duce to the chinese people the splendid artistic works in singing and dancing of foreign countries

Many years of practice and collective efforts of several generations of " orientals " . the ensemble has accumulated . through creating and revising several hundred dances and several thousand songs and melodies of both foreign and chinese it has been travelling across china with performances in order to enrich the cultural life of the chinese people and also has visited more than 70 countries and regions of the five continents for the purpose of promotion of the international cultural exchanges



